7 Golden Rules of Surviving & Thriving in the Freelancing Wild Jungle
Here are seven key lessons I acquired in my seven years as a freelancer.

5 Top Rookie Mistakes that I Made as a Freelancer
There's a saying that goes, "Not everyone is capable of being a freelancer". Here are some common mistakes that freelancers often make.

The Power of Intuitive Writing: UNVEILED!
Beberapa waktu lalu saya dan Ibu Diana Nazir diwawancara oleh TFR seputar buku terbaru kami, UNDESIGNED!, dan proses kreatif di baliknya....

6 Powerful Social Media Persuasion Techniques
While using social media might be easy, it is much harder to build an impactful and persuasive social media presence that can sell your...

How to Interview Public Figures: Tips from a Feature Writer/Lifestyle Journalist!
Share panduan ini untuk keperluan interview public figure/narasumber di berbagai platform yang kamu miliki!

Content Writing 101: How to Create Better Content (According to Donald Miller)
5 tips content writing ini akan membuat kontenmu lebih menarik!

Writing for Different Platforms Guide
Ada begitu banyak platform dalam menyampaikan konten dan bagaimana memanfaatkan masing-masing platform tersebut untuk mengomunikasikan...

Content Writing Challenges and How to Overcome Them Like A Pro
Every profession has its own share of challenges, even though we truly love what we do. When I was still working full-time as a feature...

On Forgiveness: What I've Learned from Different Language and Translation
The concept of “forgiveness” in different languages or dialects has been expressed in varied ways through translations. The one from...

Content Writer vs Copywriter: Which One Should I Be?
So you're a writer (or passionate about writing). And you're looking for writing gigs. But when you're searching through job vacancies,...