Content Writing 101: How to Create Better Content (According to Donald Miller)
5 tips content writing ini akan membuat kontenmu lebih menarik!

Content Writing Challenges and How to Overcome Them Like A Pro
Every profession has its own share of challenges, even though we truly love what we do. When I was still working full-time as a feature...

Content Writer vs Copywriter: Which One Should I Be?
So you're a writer (or passionate about writing). And you're looking for writing gigs. But when you're searching through job vacancies,...

On the Meaning of Work
It’s always energizing when work also aligns with my social beliefs, things that I’ve been thinking for years...

On the Era of Remote Working
Working from home is a privilege but also a double-edged sword.

On Facing Our Own Mortality
We see and learn what death looks like every day. Each experience is unique, but death always provokes us a growing sense of unease.

On Human Connections and How We Continue to Grow
As years passed by and I encountered with more people —some bonds are stronger and deeper than the others, and having experienced this mysel

5 Persona Millennial di Tempat Kerja: Kamu Termasuk yang Mana?
Kamu mungkin nggak menyadarinya tapi generasi Millennial itu merupakan generasi terbesar yang pernah ada, lho! Saat ini jumlah generasi...

4 Ready-to-Go Checklists You Need to Practice Active Listening
In this noisy world, we are told to be loud, brash, and confident to be successful in the business. But is it really what it takes?...

Stop MSG, Ganti dengan Bumbu Herbal Ini!
Untuk mengenalkan kembali manfaat positif dari bumbu dapur alami, YOUVIT multivitamin gummy mengadakan YOUVIT Media & Community Foodpedia...